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Ingrown Toenails in Temecula

February 22, 2016

Temecula podiatry

Ingrown toenails in Temecula

Many people are on their feet constantly, if not frequently throughout the day. No matter what our days’ activities are like, we probably put our feet through more than we readily realize, so it is important that people of all ages and people in all states of health should pay attention to any everyday symptoms that they experience and generally look after their feet. There are plenty of easy things that you can do in order to look after the health of your feet, such as washing them regularly, making sure that they are dry and smooth, and that they are given the proper support and cushion while walking in appropriate footwear. It helps to examine your feet from time to time, too, as things may affect the skin and nails as well. Ingrown nails are fairly common but they can be painful, and they may even lead to infection. Here at Temecula Valley Podiatry we can help you handle ingrown toenails in Temecula that will help you get back on your feet in no time.

Issues affecting toenails may seem like a bit of a nuisance or a waste of time but they can actually have some serious side effects and consequences. Toenails can become infected with fungus or they can cause other infections entirely. Ingrown toenails can be annoying, but if they are not dealt with promptly or properly they may lead to serious skin infections. An ingrown nail occurs when the nail of the toe begins to curve into the skin instead of growing flat and straight across from the nail bed. This can occur if you wear shoes that are too tight and constricting, if you cut your nails too short, or from other factors. As the nail begins to grow inward into the skin, you may notice that the skin is swollen, tender and sensitive. It may also appear red and feel quite painful as well. There are some at-home methods you can consider when it comes to treating ingrown nails, but sometimes it is best to see a podiatrist, especially if this is your first ingrown nail or if you have a particularly severe one. Here at Temecula Valley Podiatry our podiatrist can examine the toenail in question and provide you with the necessary treatment for ingrown toenails in Temecula that you need.

Ingrown toenails can be quite painful and unsightly, and sometimes trying to treat them on your own can only make matters worse. If you are looking for a guaranteed treatment for ingrown toenails in Temecula, then we here at Temecula Valley Podiatry would be more than happy to help.

40573 Margarita Rd
Temecula, California 92591
(951) 902-6066