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Heel Pain in Temecula

May 12, 2016

Treating Heel Pain in Temecula

Heel Pain in Temecula

Have you been experiencing some type of heel pain that is keeping you from your daily routine? Or, perhaps your heel pain is just bad enough to keep you from enjoying your everyday activities? In any event, the good news is that most heel pain can easily be treated at our podiatry practice, Temecula Valley Podiatry. If you are suffering from heel pain in Temecula, simply contact our office for an appointment to meet with our expert podiatrist.

At our podiatry practice, our highly trained podiatrist is Dr. Richard B. Haas. Dr. Haas has been providing exemplary foot care for our patients since 1980. Heel pain is one of the most common conditions that patients come to our practice for. The causes of heel pain can be very varied, so it is important that our podiatrist is seen so that a definitive diagnosis can be made. Treatment for your heel pain will totally depend on the cause of the heel pain. At our practice, we use the latest treatments to help control heel pain. When necessary, our podiatrist is able to provide endoscopic surgery so that heel pain will be permanently removed. Whatever the cause of your heel pain in Temecula, you can be sure that it will be thoroughly and correctly treated by our podiatrist.

Heel pain is generally caused by overuse of the foot – not by an injury. Pain often is a result of faulty biomechanics of the foot, which can be treated using prescription orthotics. Heel pain can also be caused by a heel spur or plantar fasciitis. This condition occurs when there is an inflammation of the ligaments that join the heels and toes. There are many different types of conservative, nonsurgical treatments, for heel pain. These treatments include night splints, orthotic devices, pain medications, and physical therapy. Arthroscopic surgery is reserved as a last option, when heel pain is resistant to these different types of treatments. Sometimes it helps to wear shoes that provide your foot with more support. If you are having a problem with your weight, weight loss may also help to ease the problem. Diagnosis may include x-rays or MRIs, as well as examination by our podiatrist. For an appointment to see our podiatrist regarding your heel pain in Temecula, contact our office today.

Temecula Valley Podiatry
40573 Margarita Rd
Temecula, California 92591
(951) 902-6066