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Orthotics in Temecula

August 30, 2018

Orthotic Therapy in Temecula

Your feet may be made for walking but sooner or later they will probably need a little help. For many walkers the solution to foot problems may be as simple as a good pair of orthotics in Temecula. Orthotics properly prescribed by an experienced podiatrist, like Dr. Richard B. Haas at Temecula Valley Podiatry can bring comfort to your feet and help ease the stress on your whole body.

Orthotics in Temecula are shoe inserts that are custom made to fit each patient’s individual feet and specific foot needs. These inserts help to relieve foot pain from many different conditions including flat feet, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, and neuromas. They are also a treatment option for hammertoes. Orthotics help by compensating for the underlying biomechanical pathology, they are intended to correct an irregular walking pattern through slightly altering the angles at which the foot strikes the ground. The orthotics that our practice develops for its patients differ from those that can be purchased at the drugstore, even those that feature a computerized foot bottom measurement. Our doctors carefully measure each aspect of your foot and its relationship to shoes and custom develop the best orthotic insert for each of your feet. Since your feet are both different, the orthotics for each foot may vary as well.

Our practice works with children who have foot problems or who have a family history of inherited foot problems, and we also see children who are having pain with their low back, knee, or hips, or may have posture or knee problems. Orthotics in Temecula may be used as part of an early prevention plan to help correct these problems in children before they get more severe. Whether for a child or an adult with foot pain, orthotics may be the solution to the problem all by themselves or they may a part of the treatment plan to alleviate pain before another more complex option is used or as a follow-up to surgery to help prevent the recurrence of the problem. Come in and see if orthotics are right for your foot problems and make your feet happy again.

Temecula Valley Podiatry
40573 Margarita Rd
Temecula, California 92591
(951) 902-6066