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Athlete’s Foot: Not Just for Athletes!

November 26, 2020

Considering the many intricate parts of the human foot, it is a marvel to understand how many uses it must serve.  Made up of 26 bones, 33 joints, and many muscles, ligaments and tendons that must work together, the foot is capable of handling your own weight, but the many parts that help make you ambulatory. When working well, the foot does its job, but its parts, including the toes, heel, and ball, are also in danger of injury, just as with other parts of the body.

At the office of Temecula Valley Podiatry, our knowledgeable podiatrists are well aware of the many injuries a foot can sustain.  Many problems, such as bunions, blisters and ingrown toenails, and athlete’s foot, result from ill-fitting shoes, neglect of potential difficulties, or simply from everyday wear. Pain in the foot is probably the first sign of problems, and identifying and treating them as soon as possible.

Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus; the environment it seeks is a warm, dark and moist place and in the foot, generally affects the places between the toes and the bottoms of the feet. The skin can become inflamed, and a scaly rash appears. Accompanying these symptoms of athlete’s foot are the itching, burning, Other symptoms of athlete’s foot include itching, burning, and peeling, sometimes emitting a slight odor. 

This fungus, untreated, can go to other parts of the body, or transmitted to other people using shared gear. Treatments typically involve over-the-counter antifungal creams or sprays and/or prescription-strength medication. 

For the treatment of athlete’s foot and any foot-related conditions, the professionals at Temecula Valley Podiatry will get you on your feet again — pain free! Count on our highly trained and compassionate staff to effectively treat your condition and restore you to good foot health. Take that first step to pain free fee by giving us a call today.