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Reduce Your Risk of Foot and Ankle Injuries

December 25, 2020

Running, jogging and walking play large parts in many Americans' fitness routines. Those activities are indeed excellent ways to, among other benefits, increase cardiac function, burn calories, lower blood sugar and boost energy.

At the office of Temecula Valley Podiatry, our team of skilled professionals is committed to providing our patients with the highest levels of care to ensure optimum foot health. Here are some terrific tips that will help you reduce your risk of foot and ankle injury during your workouts.

  1. Start by warming up. Lightly stretch your leg and foot muscles for two to three minutes. This will prepare the muscles, which will reduce chances of strains, stresses and injures. Don't force the stretch with a "bouncing motion."
  1. Condition your muscles. The amount of time spent on the activity should be increased gradually over a period of weeks to build muscle strength and mobility. Cross-training - taking part in activities that require a variety of bodily motions - helps build surrounding muscles.
  1. Use a brace or tape. This extra support can prevent a previous ankle and/or foot injury from returning. 
  1. Avoid running or stepping on uneven surfaces. Be extra-careful on terrain that's rocky or includes loose gravel.
  1. Wear the correct shoes. Flip-flops? Nope! They're best for casual strolling. A pair of sturdy sandals, "real" shoes or sports sneakers that provide foot support are far and wide better choices.
  1. Don't get overly ambitious on hills. Going uphill is a great workout, but gradually increase the gradients. And by the way, running downhill too quickly can often lead to more injuries than running uphill!
  1. Listen to your body. If you develop foot and/or ankle pain, stop or modify the activity until the pain subsides. And if you have been injured, go through rehabilitation and training to prevent recurrent injuries.

At Temecula Valley Podiatry, we are committed to helping you maintain healthy feet. We provide the highest quality care for a wide spectrum of conditions. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, please don't hesitate to call us today.