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Going Barefoot This Summer? Don’t Make These 7 Mistakes

May 30, 2023

For some of us, going barefoot is a rite of summer that’s as ingrained as a dip in the ocean, a slice of watermelon and a backyard barbecue. But is this seasonal tradition good for your feet? Our podiatrist at Temecula Valley Podiatry, who is expertly trained in all aspects of the foot and ankle, is more than willing to step into the fray, so to speak, on this topic. 

Properly fitted, supportive footwear is the best way to protect your feet. But if, as Simon and Garfunkel once sang, you’d rather feel the earth beneath your feet, our orthodontist has the following tips to offer for your safety.

  • Make sure you’re vaccinated against tetanus infections in case of a cut or puncture wound. Teens and adults are advised to get a booster shot every 10 years.
  • If you do get a puncture wound on your foot, please see our podiatrist within 24 hours to guard against infection.
  • Don’t forget the tops and bottoms of your feet when applying sunscreen; they’re susceptible to sunburn, too.
  • Give your feet, and your children’s feet, careful inspections on a routine basis to check for skin conditions like ingrown toenails, suspicious moles or other growths and spots that suddenly appear.
  •  When walking around swimming pool decks, locker and changing rooms, and beaches, put on sandals or flip-flops to prevent slipping and objects hidden in the sand.
  • No matter the season, do not go barefoot around campfires, where fireworks are being set off, and especially when mowing the lawn!
  • If you have diabetes, going barefoot can be dangerous because you may not sense an injury and your circulation will make healing difficult. 

Get your summer off on the right foot by scheduling a visit to our podiatrist at Temecula Valley Podiatry. No one is better trained and equipped to protect the health of your feet and ankles. Please contact us today!